Friday, October 31, 2008

Fishcare Tips

To Every Owner of a Siamese Fighter

Fishcare Tip # 1
Smaller containers can be homes for your Siamese Fighter.
But do remember that Fighters love large spaces to roam too.
Fishcare Tip # 2
Your Siamese Fighter is called a “fighting fish” for a reason. He is extremely territorial and does not like company. Keep to one Fighter per container.
Fishcare Tip # 3
Try not to position your fighter’s home in very hot or cold temperatures. He thrives best in room temperatures.
Fishcare Tip # 4
Feed your fighter up to 3 times daily, one pellet at a time. Do NOT over-feed him.
He should stay lean and mean like a trained Fighter.
Fishcare Tip # 5
Give your fighter a clean home.
Change half of the water in his home twice a week to keep him in the pink of health.
Fishcare Tip # 6
Fighters rise to the water surface to breathe just like humans do !!
Wherever possible, do NOT leave their homes enclosed.

Wat the Fish ?!?!

1 comment:

Jack said...

nice blog.. liked it very much....can someone give me some other related blog address..???neways appreciated..!!!
discus cichlid